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The CGRF has established in accordance with MERC (CGRF & EO) Regulations,2020 with the objectives to protect interest of consumers of BEST Undertaking, to aware consumers of their rights, to accelerate grievance redressal process, ensuring of remedial mechanism to consumers in the event of failure or delay in redressal of complaints on the part of Distribution Licensee BEST Undertaking.
Address Details
Address for CGRF : Ground floor, Multistoried Annex Bldg.,
Colaba Depot, BEST Marg,
Colaba, Mumbai - 400 001.
E-mail id : [email protected]

The name and telephone number of the members of the CGR Forum is as follows.
Name, Address & Phone of Office Ground floor, Multistoried Annex Bldg.,
Colaba Depot, BEST Marg,
Colaba, Mumbai - 400 001.
Tel No:  +91-22 22799528 / +91-22 22799535
  [email protected]
Circle/ Division (Area Covered) Colaba to Sion & Colaba to Mahim
Chairman CGRF Shri Mahesh Sitaramji Gupta
Tel No:  +91-22- 22856262 - Ext.533
Mr Jitendra W. Chavan Technical Member
Tel No: +91-22-22856262 - Ext.532
Smt. Anagha A. Acharekar Independent Member
Tel No: +91-22-22856262 - Ext.531


Mr. D.J. Bansode

Tel No : +91-22-22856262 -Ext.535

It is advisable to consumers to register their complaint initially to the Internal Complaint Redressal System (ICRS) by visiting any of following links for registration of their complaints on ICRS web portal.

1. http://bestundertaking.net
2. https://customercare.bestundertaking.com

The Consumer may approach CGRF in the event of unsatisfactory or unresolved complaints or closure of complaint without consumer s consent/or non-redressal of complaint within resolution time by complaint resolution handling system (ICRS) of Distribution Licensee.


1. CGRF is a quasi-judicial body constituted under section 42(5) of Electricity Act, 2002.

2. The consumers are advised to approach the appropriate offices of the Customer care ward of the Licensee of the BEST Undertaking for redressing their complaint initially. The address of the concerned ward office of your area is printed on upper right corner of electricity bill.

3. If the complaint is not resolved in time or without the consent or satisfaction of the consumer they may approach the CGRF either on refusal from customer care ward office of the licensee BEST Undertaking or after expiry of three days (for complaints related to non-supply, connection, reconnection or disconnection of supply) or 15 days (for all other complaint) from date of registration of complaint whichever is earlier.

4. A grievance to the Consumer Redressal Forum (CGRF) has to be submitted in Schedule ‘A’ form filled-up in all respect, along with declarations and supporting documents duly signed, while approaching the Forum for registration of complaints.

5. The Complainant needs to make numbering for all the documents on each page, tagging as ‘Exhibit’ or ‘Annexure’ which is to be mentioned in ‘INDEX’ while submitting the grievance before the Forum for the purpose of ease of referring pages of the documents during the hearing along with declarations and supporting documents duly signed, while approaching the Forum for registration of complaints.

6. Active contact number and e-mail ID should be provided for further communication. The Complainant needs to address grievance to CGRF mentioning all details of previous history and correspondence/follow up made with the Distribution Licensee i.e. BEST Undertaking and the relief sought from the Forum. The grievance documents submitted will get scrutinized. Any discrepancy, if found, will be intimated to the Complainant and after that the grievance will be accepted, with requisite no. of copies.

7. The grievance received with required, complete information and documents will be registered in CGRF and a Case number will be generated for further reference.

8. As per time limit, the reply submitted by the ‘Nodal Officer’ of the BEST Undertaking will be forwarded to the Complainant.

9. As per the directions of the Forum, the date and time of hearing will be scheduled and intimated to the Complainant. The Case can be represented by any other person who is not an Advocate, on behalf of the Complainant by submitting a Declaration form.

10. After conducting the hearing, the certified copy of the judgment will be given to concern parties.


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